Consumer review analysis made simple

Octoparse VOC is an AI-native tool designed for brands & sellers to discover reliable consumer insights from product reviews & haul videos — fast and in actionable formats.


AI-powered,human-centered review analysis


Review intelligence at your fingertips

Get instant value, with immediate results. Octoparse VOC surfaces customer pain points, drivers, and sentiment from online reviews and transforms noisy feedback into accurate and layered insights within clicks.

Turn AI potential into scalable results

Take the quick path to review analysis with the power of Generative AI. Our adaptive NLP model taps into the power of every major LLM to create human-quality insights reports at scale. Data in. Results out.

Actionable insights tailored to business

Go beyond general analytics and understand granular reasons behind product feedback trends. We showcase where and how you can win market share so you can act on it and skyrocket to the top.

See what's in it for you.

Discover how Octoparse VOC helps you navigate the reviews, saving you time.

tabIcon-0Centralize with ease
tabIcon-1Analyze on page
tabIcon-2Peek into Q&As
tabIcon-3Compare with clarity

Centralize with ease

Centralize reviews in a matter of minutes - with our top-tier data collection techinque. Octoparse VOC collects and organizes authentic reviews based on any URL, keyword, or ASIN you provide. Rest easy knowing the data automatically updates for you.


Analyze on page

Bring the power of AI to every product page you visit with the Octoparse VOC Extension. Analyze buyer personas, customer profiles, and usage context for any product directly on page and get real-time insights without the need for extensive data transfer.


Peek into Q&As

What concerns do buyers have pre-purchase? Which pain points should you address first? What messages resonate more effectively? Octoparse VOC surfaces the most important questions from customer Q&As to help you understand what matters most to potential buyers.


Compare with clarity

Apply comparisons to insights reports and see how your products are faring against top competitors in an intuitive side-by-side chart view. Identify critical gaps in your product or service offerings to pinpoint areas for improvement.


See Octoparse VOC in action today